The Project for
Human Resource
Development Scholarship

JDS - Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship

About JDS

What is JDS Project?

TopAbout JDSWhat is JDS Project?

The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (former Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS)) is to support human resource development of the Japanese grant aid recipient countries. JDS Project targets the highly capable young officials (mainly government) who are expected to engage in implementing social and economic development plans as a future leader.

JDS Fellows are also expected to contribute to the enhanced bilateral relations between their countries and Japan, with well-rounded knowledge of Japan.

JDS Project offers Master's Degree course and Doctor's Degree course at Japanese Universities in English. JDS Fellows will get a special opportunity for directly learning the forefront knowledge in the technological environment as well as for building the wide human networks.

From the People of Japan

JDS is funded by the Government of Japan through ODA (Official Development Assistance) supported by Japanese tax payers.

JDS targets young government officials and others who are expected to contribute to the development of the country.

JDS provides Master's Degree course and Doctor's Degree course at Japanese Universities (in English).

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