Ms. Qurbanalieva Nigina
Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) (Graduated in 2014)
Ms. Qurbanalieva Nigina
Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) (Graduated in 2014)
JDS Network News has been featuring alumni who are active in their country. In this issue, we would like to introduce an alumnus who is active in the financial sector in Tajikistan.
--------Please tell us about your current duties.
At the National Bank of Tajikistan (as the Central Bank), I am Head of the Department overseeing the country’s financial stability. The department is responsible for development of macroprudential framework, analysis of systemic risks of banking system and preparation of relevant reports and information, as well as monitoring economic programs.
--------Do you use the skills and knowledge in your work which you acquired during your study in Japan through JDS?I fully utilize the knowledge I gained while studying in Japan through JDS in my daily work. After studying in Japan, I was promoted higher position of the Monetary Policy Department in 2015 and participated in the development of the Monetary Policy Strategy 2016-2022. This strategy takes in consideration several reforms for shifting to new monetary framework – inflation targeting, including introducing new monetary instruments, liquidity forecasting, communication strategy regarding monetary policy and other aspects. I am grateful for the opportunity to study at APU in Japan and learnt more about my field of expertise. I am very grateful for the opportunity provided by JDS, and I cannot speak of my career and academic development without JDS’s contribution.