Source: Ministry of Industry and New Technologies website
Source: Ministry of Industry and New Technologies website
On March 2, 2023, by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 93, H.E. Mr. Nazar Aziz Savzali (Graduate School of International Relations, International University of Japan, graduated in 2014) was appointed Deputy Minister, Ministry of Industry and New Technologies.
H.E. Mr. Nazar Aziz Savzali was appointed this position after serving as Secretary at the Embassy of Tajikistan in Japan and Director General of the External Economic Cooperation Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after returning from studying in Japan as a JDS fellow. During his four years at the Embassy of Tajikistan in Japan, he served as a bridge between Tajikistan and Japan with the Ambassador’s trust. After returning to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tajikistan, he actively participated in JDS public relations activities and events despite his busy schedule in the important post. His further success is very much expected.