The Project for
Human Resource
Development Scholarship

JDS - Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship



TopAlumni JDS returned fellow was appointed as Secretary of State of the Ministry of Civil Service in Cambodia!

JDS returned fellow was appointed as Secretary of State of the Ministry of Civil Service in Cambodia!

H.E. Huot Synead
(JDS 2005-2008, Cambodia)

In October 2022, Mr. Huot Synead was appointed as Secretary of State of the Ministry of Civil Service in Cambodia. As a JDS fellow, he studied at Yokohama National University, the Graduate School of International Social Sciences and earned a master’s degree in 2008. After return to Cambodia, he was promoted to Under Secretary of State of the Ministry of Civil Service in 2019, and now appointed to Secretary of State.

It is highly expected that he will be involved in strengthening bilateral relations between Japan and Cambodia while utilizing the knowledge and experience gained in Japan.

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