Sub-Program (Target Priority Area) |
Component (Development Issues) |
Accepting University Graduate School |
Number to be Accepted |
Brochure |
1. Enhancement of Governance |
1-1. Enhancement of Public Administration [PDF]
International University of Japan (IUJ) GS of International Relations (GSIR) / Public Management and Policy Analysis Program (PMPP)
3 |
Hiroshima University GS of Humanities and Social Sciences / Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, International Economic Development Program
GS of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society / Research Area: Social Innovation Science
3 |
1-2. International Relations [PDF]
Doshisha University GS of Global Studies / American Studies Cluster,
Contemporary Asian Studies Cluster, Global Society Studies Cluster
2 |
Ritsumeikan University GS of International Relations / Global International Relations Program
1 |
1-3. Finance, Economics, and Industrial Promotion [PDF]
Yamaguchi University GS of Economics / Public Administration Program
2 |
Rikkyo University GS of Business / Master of International Business Program, Master of Public Management and Administration (MPMA) Course
2 |
2. Balanced Development, Paying Attention to Environment |
Environment, Climate Change, and Infrastructure [PDF]
University of Tsukuba GS of Science and Technology / Master's Program in Environmental Sciences (SUSTEP Program)
2 |
Tohoku University GS of Environmental Studies / International Post-Graduate Program in Human Security "Human Security and Environment"
2 |
3. Industrial Human Resource Development |
Industrial Human Resource Development [PDF]
Hiroshima University GS of Humanities and Social Sciences / Division of Educational Sciences, International Education Development Program
2 |