The Project for
Human Resource
Development Scholarship

JDS - Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship


TopTajikistan › Doctoral Degree Program

Application for JDS 2023 is already closed.

Doctoral Degree Program

1. Applicant Eligibility

  1. Have a citizenship of the Republic of Tajikistan
  2. Be a Fellow returned from Japan (who completed a Master's course at University in Japan)
  3. Be under the age of 45 as of July 31st, 2024 (Born on/after August 1st, 1979)
  4. Have returned to and served for the Republic of Tajikistan more than two (2) years at
    the JDS target organizations 2023 after completion of Master's course in Japan
  5. Belong to the Target Organizations 2023 of JDS Project in the Republic of Tajikistan
  6. Have published at least one peer-reviewed article
    (published in recognized academic journals)
  7. Receive a recommendation from the supervisor of his/her current duty office
    (Reference Letter should contain evaluation of applicant's performance at work
    and relevance of his/her research theme to his/her career.)
  8. Have a recommendation from the expected academic adviser(s) of the applying university
    (Submission of a draft academic guidance outline or a supervisory plan is desirable.)
  9. Not have obtained any Doctor's degree overseas under other foreign government scholarship programs
  10. Not be currently awarded or to be awarded a scholarship from other foreign donors

The applicant must;

  1. In principle, enroll in the same graduate school of the university where he or she obtained a Master's
    degree in Japan.
  2. Present a research plan relevant to one of the development issues (Components) set in the framework
    of JDS Master's Program in the Republic of Tajikistan.
  3. Have fulfilled the work obligation stipulated in the JDS contract / JDS pledge letter,
    e.g. A JDS Fellow must work in his/her country at least five years after return.
  4. Be in good health both physically and mentally.
  5. Complete the course within, and not exceeding, three (3) years.
  6. To confirm that there is a high probability of completion within 3 years, following additional documents
    shall be submitted;
    • (1) A recommendation letter from the expected academic advisor of the applying university clearly stating
      that you have the ability to obtain a PhD within three years.
    • (2) The above letter also stating that the professor will provide remote guidance in preparation before
      enrollment as well as stating that the graduate school have international students who had completed
      their doctoral course within 3 years.
    • (3) The above letter also must be attached with a copy of a peer-reviewed article.
  7. The research theme of the doctoral course must be the continuation from that of master's.
  8. Must fill out the following information of your peer-reviewed article on Application Form.
    • (1). Name of the recognized academic journal
    • (2). Title of your article
    • (3). Date of publication
    For peer-reviewed articles, the expected academic advisor will confirm it according to the written information.

2. Selection Procedures

1) Application Deadline

Deadline for Application:
16:00 PM on January 12 (Friday), 2024 To JDS Tajikistan office (Closed)

Application documents will not be returned for any reason. Late submission and incomplete application documents shall NOT be accepted.

2) Tentative Schedule for Doctoral course

2023 - 2024
Oct. - Jan. Jan. - Feb. Mar. - Jun. Apr. - July. Aug. Sep. or Oct.
Call for Application Selection by O/C Application for the University Screening by the University Arrival in Japan Enrollment in the University

*O/C=JDS Operating Committee

3. Download of Application Guideline and Application Documents for Doctoral Course

Please refer to the Application Guideline and submit a full set of application documents by the deadline.

download Download
  1. Application Guideline Doctoral Course
  2. Application Documents Doctoral Course
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